past posts

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Friday 10/26-Friday 11/2

Our quarter is ending next Friday! Conferences will be on Wednesday, November 14. Please call the front desk to schedule an appointment.

TEST- Unit 1 Rocks & Minerals = Tuesday 10/30.
Your child completed a study guide in class. It is on green paper. It is the same study guide I sent home on the back of the newsletter. I am copying it again on the back of your child's pink assignment sheet this week. We have been reviewing and discussing these topics in class.

Language Studies & Reading:
Idiom of the Week- cool it   it means: relax, calm down, stop being so excited or angry 

List 1: watch, catch, kitchen, latch, sketch, match * review: because ** bonus -bicycle

List 2: excited, compliment, recess, alphabetical, sticker, highlighters, * review: because ** bonus- responsibility

Test- Friday 11/2

READ! READ! READ! Keep completing that reading log!

Keep reviewing basic +/- facts!

Friday, October 19, 2012

Friday 10/19- Friday 10/26

Language Studies:
We are learning short vowel sounds. We have 2 separate lists. Both share the menu choice board for homework and will be tested next Friday. Both share the idiom of the week.

List 1:    drop, plan, thing, smell, shut, sticky, spent   bonus: pumpkin                                   

List 2: lunch spent, thing, than, when, then, knock, knit   bonus: principal

IDIOM of the week: the last straw- the final problem or misfortune that makes all of the previous ones unbearable

HomeLink 1.13 - time/elapsed time review

Test on10/30

How to make Egg "Geodes"
I pulled this information from online and will find the site & cite it here soon.

I cleaned the eggshells for the kids. This was by far the most disgusting and longest part of the experiment. I let the shells dry overnight.

clean eggshells
a variety of soluble solids: table salt, rock salt, sugar, baking soda, Epsom salts, sea salt, borax, or cream of tartar
small heat proof containers - we used jelly jars
food coloring
egg cartons and wax paper or mini-muffin tins
1. When cracking eggs to save for this project, try to crack them near the narrow end so the opening is smaller and the most possible shell is saved.
2. To clean the eggshells, use hot water and run your finger around the inside of the egg. The hot water will ‘cook’ the lining of the eggshell and you can pull the ‘skin’ out with your fingers. Note: It is important to remove all of the egg membrane from the shell, if you do not your crystals may grow mold and turn black.
3. Allow the shells to completely dry.
4. Place eggshells in an egg carton lined with wax paper or in mini-muffin tins to hold them upright.
5. In a saucepan, heat water to boiling.
6. In small heatproof container pour 1/2 cup of water. Add about half the volume of solid to the water, stirring until it dissolves. Continue adding small amounts of solid until the water is super-saturated, which means water has absorbed as much solid as it is able and the solid will no longer dissolve.
7. Add food coloring.
8. Fill each eggshell with as much of the solution as it will hold without tipping or over-flowing.
9. Place the shells in a safe dry place to allow the water to evaporate. As the water evaporates, crystals will form inside the eggs.

Friday, October 12, 2012

Week of October 15-19

We are mixing up reading groups again! I am so excited to have Mrs. Arteaga come into our classroom. This will help us to  keep the groups fluid and have students working together in the classroom. 

We will be differentiating the curriculum and students will receive spelling and
vocabulary as fits their needs.

That said, this upcoming week we are just getting back into the homework groove after several weeks of holidays. For this reason, we are simply doing a review spelling list that is pulled from past lists. 

Differentiation will begin on October 19. 

Also, we will be ready to begin our new read aloud soon. Please let me know how you feel about The Lightening Thief. 

Homework due Thursday 10/18:

Language Studies 
REVIEW words - test Friday, 10/19


Idiom- right off the bat,  it means: immediately or without delay 

Math ** UPDATE: no math HomeLink - we did it in class! 

Keep READING & fill out the reading log!

Thursday, October 04, 2012

Week of October 8 - 12

We survived standardized testing! Some students said that the test was fun! Wow.  I appreciate those who rise to a challenge!

Other than reading log & review math facts, I did not provide any other homework this week. I sent newsletters and folders home today (Thursday 10/4) because tomorrow (Friday 10/5) is the Sukkah Hop and we won't be in room 12/general studies at all.

Monday 10/8 - No school
Tuesday 10/9 - No school

We will have a regular schedule next week and adjust reading groups beginning the week of October 15.

Monday, October 01, 2012

October 1-5

No School:  Monday 10/1 or Tuesday 10/2

Wednesday 10/3 -  3rd grade has me all day! We will begin our day at 9am. Students still have gym at 10:30 and the afternoon is a regular schedule.

Thursday 10/4: We have OAT reading testing. Students should be well rested and have had plenty of breakfast! Bring a sweater or something to layer in order to be comfortable in the room during the test. The test will last from approximately 9:15am -11:30am. After lunch & recess, students have Mrs. Stock until 2:00 and Moreh Dror from 2:00-4:00.

Friday 10/5: Sukkah Hop! after lunch, students will be away from CTA for the afternoon enjoying Sukkot activities. I will be chaperoning this event.